First Property Group plc Email Alerts


Password must have a minimum of 8 characters, must contain a special character (! & $ # % ; - _) and a digit

This Email Alerts service is provided by Brighter IR ('we' or 'us') on behalf of First Property Group plc. Brighter IR and First Property Group plc respect your privacy. Data is stored securely and your password is stored in an encrypted format.

For details regarding how your data is handled, please refer to Brighter IR's GDPR Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Registering for this service will create an account on Brighter IR's Email Alerts platform ('Sirius'). You will be able to use your login details to subscribe to other alerts services on this platform. You can change your alerting preferences, unsubscribe or delete your account at any time by logging into the service. If you are having problems logging in, you can request a new password. Activation instructions will be sent to your email address.
